May 18, 2008

Words of Wisdom..

1. If time doesn't wait for you, don't worry!
Just remove the damn battery from the clock and Enjoy life !
2. Expecting the world to treat u fairly coz u r a good person is like
expecting the lion not to attack u coz u r a vegetarian.
Think about it.
3. Don't walk as if you rule the world, walk as if you don't care who
rules the world!
That's called Attitude…! Keep on rocking !
4. Every lady hopes that her daughter will marry a better man than she
did and is convinced that her son will never find a wife as good as
his father did!!!
5. He was a good man. He never smoked, drank & had no affair. When he
died, the insurance company refused the claim. They said, he who
never lived, cannot die !

Loved the second one the most..its all about Attitude which moves the person ahead in his life and make ordinary people do extra-ordinary things

May 14, 2008

About Blogging

Seeing a lot of people starting blogs everyday..the thought came to mymind..from where did it all start.. I did not google o find out the answer, instead was trying to figure out what thoughts made the first blogger.
Maybe he was a computer geek..with no time to contact any of his friends and he started maintaining an online diary..and thus the first blog was born...
Watever be the reason , i really think that it is a wonderful thing....You can bring out all ur frustrations, feelings and emotions out about anything and everything in this thing known as a BLOG...It can also be anonymous ..if you wish it to be..
Also another thought came to my mind..Maybe the increase in the numbers of daily bloggers suggests that we are all short of time to interact with people.. or is this the best way to get your thoughts to many many people across the world.. people whom you have not met..but they are about to read bout anything u write in ur blog..any many a times you get a lot of helpful information in blogs...
From the technical point of view, one of the best blog is that of .
It is the place where Thomas Kyte , tells us all bout Oracle ..similarly you have . I hope u know what it is all about..If not ,then check it out..

So,writing bou blogs resulted in my fist post in more than a month...but I will be more regular now..

Cheers!! and njoy life

Mar 7, 2008

Cricket and Music

Its been a long time since I updated my blog . But I am trying to be more regular and keep it updated more frequently..
I have really started to beleive in the saying that Habit is second nature.. Earlier i used to write a lot in English , but that has depreciated over the I think that this blog will help me in getting it back.. ( and I can again sing " those were the days " ) ...

Am currently learning the sa-re-ga-ma of music from my best friend Aparajita. I always used to wonder about the difference in the way I used to sing compared to hers. But as I am trying to graspe what "scale" in music is ...and also what Sonu Nigam used to say in the Zee Tv contests, I am getting into the depth of things... the saying goes " Every man is a volume if you know how to read him " ...

Aprajita is also getting interested in cricket these days...due to my over-zealousness about it. I hope that everyone enjoyed the character shown by the Indian Cricket team to bounce back in the series Down-Under. As someone had said " Adversity does not build character , it reveals it "..

Wat do you all say...

Jan 25, 2008

Starting on..whats its all about..

Writing was something I loved when I was young...But over the years in the midst of being busy with a lot of things , it diminished into a far away corner..
But thanks to God , I read some wonderfully written pieces from some wonderful people like my bro , that I have been inspired to start off with something.. ..It is never too late to be what you might have been...

For the last two days , I was thinking about what ... Then I decided that I will not write about anything in particular.. But about a lot of my passions which include books , movies , sports ( cricket obviously a major one ) ...And of course about Life.. thinking bout it.. It is amazing..

Lets see how this goes ...

Amios Adidos...